So right now we have three hygienists here and all three of them are phenomenal at just oral care. They’re real diligent about of collecting information on them, paying attention to what is causing the problem that patients are having with their gums or teeth, and helping me come up with a plan that works, and they’re very thorough about their instructions.
And this is all important for longevity because if we fix things and we don’t change the problem, then the problems are just going to keep happening. But they’re really good about supporting what we would lean toward as prevention. And that’s the ultimate goal is to not only fix the problem patients have but to keep it from returning. Well, routine care just helps us take care of them.
Things can change fast. And when people come in for regular visits, we’re able to stay on top of things and just help people stay healthy. Occasionally, have somebody who may disappear for a while, well, then big problems can happen. And that makes it harder to fix. We’re always going to be doing things easier when we catch it early.