Great care for consistent patients
Our membership club exists because there are just a lot of people out there who don’t have dental insurance. And we decided that we needed to do something that could help these people benefit from being loyal to our practice. Membership club is perfect for anyone who doesn’t have dental insurance, so anybody who would consider themselves just cash patient. So anyone who doesn’t have insurance we offer the program to, and I think that more and more patients are becoming in that situation because insurance is becoming weaker and weaker and less of an ideal thing to pay for. And it’s set up to where, if a person is going to get their teeth cleaned regularly, they can’t lose.
The cost of it is actually just a little bit less than the regular cleanings and the exams for the year, just spread out over the months. And then if they need any dental work, they’re going to get that 15% reduction on the fees, and that’s to help them and also thank them for their loyalty. So it’s really a win-win for anybody who doesn’t have insurance. And I’ve been amazed at just how many of our patients have taken advantage of it and love it and how it’s really working in such a big way to help people feel comfortable coming here and feel like they’re getting a good value for their time here.